TIGUM RETIREMENT VILLAGE The Tigum Cooperative Society makes it easy and simple for you to find your new home and enjoy your life free from all the problems of maintenance and housekeeping. Retiring in the Philippines has some distinct advantages:
- The cost of living is very low compared to Switzerland and most western countries. Services and personel cost even less.
- Temperatures are modest all year long. Indoor plants are growing in the garden. There is no winter.
- English is one of the official languages in the Philippines, therefore communicating with people is no problem. You can express yourself if you go shopping, to the doctor or talking to officials. The majority of the people are Christians therefore all the religious festivities are familiar.
NEWS We visited Bacolod March 2007 to meet the landowners and also to see the marvelous country. >>> Travel logbook and pictures The 1st General Assembly Tigum Cooporative and founders meeting took place on Jan 27, 2007 >>> Member infos und downloads